Sherry S. Andrews
College Consultant

The college planning process has many stages starting in middle school and extending through high school into the transition year of college. Each student needs different elements of assistance as they progress throughout the college planning process. Mrs. Andrews is equipped and knowledgeable in all areas of this process, and she has a unique talent and special passion for assisting students. Schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation, where she is able to talk with the parents and the student concerning his/her individual needs, and together develop a package that is most suitable for the success of the student. Succcess + seeks to make this process stress-free and enjoyable for both students and parents!
SUCCESS+ Services:
Middle Grades -
7th and 8th grade focus meetings and long-range goal setting
8th grade planning for 9th grade – prior to the school registration period
8th grade four year planning
Testing interpretation beginning in the 8th grade with the EXPLORE
Activity plan for high school for in school activities and community activities
High School Years –
Course planning and registration
Assist students with high school timeline
Course work evaluation and guidance: CP, Honors, AP, and IB course selection and testing
Transcript and curriculum review and evaluation
Test Prep and Strategies, Test Evaluation, and/or Test Analysis
– PSAT, SSAT, SAT 1, SAT II Subject Tests, PLAN, and ACT
College research and selection process – narrowing down the search
Advisement on making successful college visits
Knowing what online resources are user friendly and meaningful
Develop customized senior year timeline with deadlines and organizational tools
College application process
Essay review, editing, and development
Resume development, advisement, and review
Art Portfolio/Audition development (drama, music, and art)
Interview preparation for colleges and scholarships
Best method for acquiring worthy recommendations
Assist with final college decision
Scholarship research and guidance
Deferral/Waitlist strategies
Understanding and guidance through the Athletic Recruitment process
Strategies for students to best communicate with NCAA coaches
NCAA Clearinghouse guidance and review
Understanding and taking advantage of the College and Career Promise Program
Taking advantage of summer programs
Admission into prep schools, private schools, and the charter school process
Admission into North Carolina School of Science and Math (NCSSM)
Understanding Financial Aid System and maneuvering the process
Assisting students with disabilities for a college match
SUCCESS+ also offers needs-specific consultations for students and families who seek guidance and advice in addressing a particular area of concern not previously mentioned in the list above.
Consultations can be purchased on an hourly basis or by customizable 10 hour service blocks. The time spent is most often one-on-one with the student; however, in some situations, paid time is for the consultant, Mrs. Andrews, to evaluate and/or edit writings and applications, talking with school counselors and/or college representatives, and so forth for the advancement of the student.
Please keep in mind that SUCCESS+ and Mrs. Andrews do not guarantee college acceptances, scholarship or financial aid monies, athletic signings, or any other resolutions; however, SUCCESS+ and Mrs. Andrews do promise the student and the parent her personal attention in all aspects of the defined service. Mrs. Andrews states, "It is a pleasure working with young people in all areas of the college process, as well as seeing them be successful."
Investing in expert guidance from Sherry Andrews is an investment in the success of your student’s future.
CALL now to schedule a
30 minute consultation with Mrs. Andrews!
Time is of the essence because slots fill quickly!